Casey at the Bat!

Pencils - Jeremy N. Fisher (15 min.) + Inks - Tavis Maiden (15 min.) = 30MNT!

Turtle Tuesdays! Casey Jones!

Casey Jones 15min Pencils by Tavis Maiden 15min inks by Jeremy Fisher


Turtle Twednesday - Raphael

Raph has always been my favorite turtle.  Had some trouble with this one - rushed the inking - I like it, but I wanna do better.

First Post! with Raphael

So, what are we doing here? Why, it's simple. We're drawing Ninja Turtles. Anybody in the turtle universe. We're drawing them, and we're doing it in just 30min. After that it's pencils down and turn it in. So come back and check it out. Until then, here's a Raphael I did shortly after seeing Sin City way back when.